Weather beings

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(Mother to students, 1954:) “But you know, in the clouds, the wind, there are little entities. These entities belong to the vital domain; they are not all wicked, they are often very mischievous. Most of the time they obey the laws of Nature of a much vaster and more general order, but some of these entities are half-independent and bring about local rain, etc. Perhaps (we said that they like prayers, these small entities), perhaps if we tell them, “I beg of you, be a little kind, tomorrow we have our opening, don’t be up to mischief, wait till the evening to send rain if you want to do so, don’t come and disturb our little session”, perhaps this will have some effect!
         Do you remember how when there was no rain, people told us that if we prayed, we would bring rain? And what a good time we had one day trying that out — calling the rain — and it rained? It really rained afterwards. Well, that’s how it happens. This domain is that of the vital.”[1]

(Mother to Satprem, 1960:) “You asked me just now if we have a say in the matter [of rain]. Well, last year I didn’t go out; I had no intention of going to the Sportsground or to the theater for the December 2 program, but I was often asked to see that the weather be good. So while I was doing my japa upstairs, I started saying that it shouldn’t rain. But ‘they’ weren’t in a very good mood! (When I used to go out myself, it had an effect, for it kept the thing in check, and even if it had been raining earlier, that day it would stop.) So they said, “But you aren’t going out, so what does it matter.” I said I was counting on it. Then they answered, “Are you prepared to have it rain the next time you go out?” – “Do what you like,” I replied. And when I went out on November 24 for the prize distribution, there was a deluge. It came pouring down and we had to run for shelter in the gymnasium – everyone was splashing around, the band playing on the verandah was half-drenched, it was dreadful! – the day before it hadn’t rained, the day after it didn’t rain. But on that day they had their revenge!
         I don’t want that to happen this time. Once is enough. So I’m going to see about it.


But it’s explained very well in Savitri! All these things have their laws and their conventions (and truly speaking, a really FORMIDABLE power is needed to change anything of their rights, for they have rights – what they call ‘laws’) ... Sri Aurobindo explains this very well when Savitri, following Satyavan into death, argues with the god of Death. “It’s the Law, and who has the right to change the Law?” he says. And then comes this wonderful passage at the end where she replies, “My God can change it. And my God is a God of Love.” Oh, how magnificent!
         And by force of repeating this to him, he yields ... She replies in this way to EVERYTHING.
         It’s all right for winning a Victory, but not for stopping the rain for one day!
         So I’m trying to come to an understanding, to reach an agreement – these are very complicated matters (!). For it’s a whole totality ... You see, we are trying something here which really is contrary to all those laws and practices, something which disturbs everything. So ‘they’ propose things that have me advancing like this (sinuous motion), without disturbing things too much, and without having to call in forces ... (Mother makes a gesture of a lance thrust into the pack) forces a bit too great, which may disturb things too much. Like that, we can keep tacking back and forth. ”[2]

See also