Upasana Design Studio is based in Auroville, Tamil Nadu, south India and is into garment design and manufacturing and “socially responsible design”. Our design philosophy is rooted in Sri Aurobindo’s concept of Integral Design. Following on these footsteps, we have been consciously involved in various projects (as given below) where we try to bring design to a level beyond the product and apply it to answer the various problems of everyday life. Being in Auroville has inspired our dream and our work is in the spirit of contributing to the world through our projects.
Upasana as a design studio is also aimed at representing India through its textile to Auroville and the world. For our designs, we use mainly India’s traditional textiles. The studio provides space for other designers from across the world to explore their creativity and learn about ideals of Auroville.
The philosophy of the studio can be defined in one line –
“There is only one user, the Supreme Self who dwells in all”.
At Upasana, we believe that design is about all facets of a product, those who will produce it, those who will use it and how it affects the environment. Our involvement in Socially Responsible design stems from this philosophy of Integral Design.
The Tsunami of 2004 has been a major landmark in Upasana’s history. Together our team realised that we had to be a part of the solution, of the soothing balm that was needed after such a tragedy. This brought us into the foray of Socially Responsible Design, with our project Tsunamika. Since then we have initiated other projects that have fired our creativity, imagination and sense of social conviction.
Our various projects are:
Small Steps----www.smallsteps.in
Varanasi Weavers-----www.varanasiweavers.org
KAPAS _ organic cotton project.
For more details about Upasana or any of its projects, please write to office@upasana.in
External links