Timeline for Building Auroville, the Mother's Words

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Quotes by The Mother on Timeline for Completion of the Auroville Township

Seeing Olympics within 12 years from the date of commencement of Auroville

“We want this stadium to be the most modern and the most perfect possible, with the idea — it is an idea I have had for a long time — that twelve years — the Olympic Games take place every four years — twelve years from 1968 — in ’68 the Olympiads are taking place in Mexico — twelve years later we would hold the Olympic Games in India, there. So, we need space”. (the Mother, June 1965)

Interview with Roger: 5 years for Matrimandir, 20 for the City

From 10th March 1966 - Interview with Roger Anger

A.: So you believe that this relationship between the completion of the town, and let us say that Mother saw this within a short time. She spoke of twenty years.

R.: I do believe She saw it happening very quickly.

J.: Five years for Matrimandir and ten years for the city.

L.: Afterwards She spoke of twenty years.

R.: Ten, twenty years; I was pushing for ten years. Mother said twenty years.

J.: She saw the Olympic Games in 1980.

R.: I thought that the city could be built in ten years – which was probably possible...

In a Conversation with Huta, the Mother says, 'The whole town has to be build in 10 years'

Mother to Huta 11 Sept.png

"The Truth Pavilion and your tiny house will be very close to each other - your house will stand between the Banyan tree and the Truth Pavilion. All these will be on an island - surrounded by water, trees and the Gardens of Unity.

It will take five years if we have sufficient money. Yes... otherwise.... But I want the whole town to be built within ten years' time..."[1]

A 100 or a 1000 years for Auroville to Be

“Even if you don’t believe in it, even if all circumstances appear to be quite unfavorable, I KNOW THAT AUROVILLE WILL BE. It may be in a hundred years, it may be in a thousand years, I don’t know, but Auroville will be, because it has been decreed.”[2]