Supramental Force

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(Mother, 1957:) “It is on the same plane as the one where the adverse forces are ruling that one must have a greater power than theirs, a power which can conquer them totally in that very domain. To put it otherwise, a spiritual force which would be capable of transforming both the consciousness and the material world. This force is the supramental force.”[1]

(Mother, 1957:) “And so, now, for our special case, I shall tell you what I am trying to do.... It will soon be a year since, one Wednesday, we had the manifestation of the supramental force. Since then, it has been working very actively, even while very few people are aware of it! but still I thought the time had come for — how to put it? — for us to help it a little in its work by making an effort of receptivity.
         Of course, it does not work only in the Ashram, it is working in the whole world and in all places where there is some receptivity this Force is at work, and I must say the Ashram hasn’t an exclusive receptivity in the world, the monopoly of receptivity. But since it so happens that all of us here more or less know what has taken place, well, I hope that individually each person is doing his best to benefit by the occasion; but collectively we can do something, that is, try to unify a ground, to produce a particularly fertile soil to obtain collectively the maximum receptivity and to have as little wastage as possible of time and energies.
         So now, you have been told in a general way what we want to try to do and you have only to... to do it.”[2]

(Mother, 1965:) “If we look at the question from a sufficient height, in order to manifest, this Truth-Power needs a response, you follow, and It doesn't want to have any preference: it matters little whether this point or that point, this or that will manifest it; It goes like this (gesture of a massive, general pressure), It imposes itself on the earth-atmosphere, and what's capable of responding responds. And then, on the point that responds, the Force manifests.
         It isn't the Force that selects the point (I don't know if I am making myself understood): it is a global action, and what's capable of responding responds.
         As for us, we want It, we aspire for It, we even know, and naturally, because we know, we have a sort of conviction that we are cut out to respond.... But it's not a question of conviction: it has to be a fact.”[3]

“You have said that we must develop “an intimate, a constant, absolute, inevitable union with the vibration of the Supramental forces”. How is one to acquire the faculty of feeling this vibration? Has the process of sadhana undergone a change with the creation of a new world and new world-conditions by the Supramental Manifestation? What should a sadhaka do to speed his progress under the new conditions?

Yes, the Sadhana has undergone a great change, because it is now in the physical itself that you have to do it.
         Concentrate on the physical transformation; by physical I mean the mental, vital and body consciousness.
         You are trying to get the experience in your mind, but it is not the mind that can get it. Come out of your mind and you will understand what I mean.”[4]

See also