Outlying lands

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Outlying lands 2012.jpg

In January 2012, the FAMC approved the Land Resource Development (LRD) Task Force’s recommendation to embark on a Strategic Plan initiative for the lands owned by Auroville Foundation outside the City Area and the Greenbelt Area. The Land Development Strategic Plan provides a strategy and plan framework for the use, development, and protection of the “Outlying Lands” within the context of the Auroville Master Plan and the region.

Land Development Strategic Plan for lands owned by Auroville Foundation outside the City and Greenbelt area:

2013 Outlying Lands Strategic Plan - Executive Summary.jpg
PDF (9 pages)
Executive Summary
2013 Outlying Lands Strategic Plan - Vol 1.jpg
PDF (173 pages)
Volume 1: Regional context, Planning context, Market analysis, Study area analysis, Profiles of potential partners
2013 Outlying Lands Strategic Plan - Vol 2.jpg
PDF (154 pages)
Volume 2: Land evaluation, Land development strategy, Development profiles, Implementation strategies

See also