News & Notes 779:L’Avenir d’Auroville – Interim members – investigation into the difficulties

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31 December 2018

L’Avenir d’Auroville – Interim members – investigation into the difficulties

Dear Community,

In the past one year, five members of L'Avenir d'Auroville have resigned. Over time, the current team reduced to three members, and urgently more members are needed in order for the office to continue to function.

The Auroville Council and Working Committee have spoken with the continuing and former members of L’Avenir to better understand what worked and what didn’t work this last year. We have realised that a deep reflection of the difficulties faced by L'Avenir is urgently required, before the community can select new permanent members. We have decided on three actions:

a) Appointment of interim members.

To continue the work as much as possible, and as at least five people should be present for decision making at L'Avenir, we have decided to recommend to the Governing Board, Auroville Foundation, which is the appointing authority for the L'Avenir membership, that Selvam R, Sreevatsa and Srimoyi are appointed as interim members whose term of office which will expire when the final team has been appointed, which we expect will be by April 1, 2019. These three names have been suggested by the continuing members of L'Avenir.

b) Investigation into the difficulties facing L'Avenir.

We need to get clarity about why members have resigned their membership of L'Avenir; why the aims and objectives have not been followed as was expected when the present team was appointed; what the community can realistically expect from L'Avenir, e.g. if the mandate given by the community can be followed or is too vast; and if the community has sufficiently qualified people to serve in L'Avenir.

We have decided to form a subgroup to investigate all these questions. The subgroup will obtain the views of all the nominees for the interim membership of L'Avenir as well as of all former and continuing members of the L'Avenir and other persons knowledgeable about the topic.

The outcome of this investigation will be made available by the subgroup to the community before the upcoming selection process in March, 2019, so as to serve as guidance for the appointment of the permanent team members.

c) Nominations for permanent membership.

We have decided that all present nominations for the interim membership will be valid nominations for the selection of the final team of L’Avenir in March, 2019 along with all the other persons that will be nominated by the community.

The Auroville Council / The Working Committee