(Amal Kiran:) “The true mystery is that which remains over, an indefinable nimbus, when in dealing with heights or depths we have made our utmost effort to be clear. And even about this mystery I may utter a clarifying word. All true mystery is ultimately the Divine Presence. Now, to the Divine His own Presence is self-luminous: it is not a mystery in the ordinary sense at all. It is a mystery only to the mind of man. It is a supreme, a colossal clarity to the Divine Himself. So I should say that in order to be poetic we have to try to be clear in the way the Divine, when expressing Himself, would be clear and luminous to His own consciousness. And there again we come to the Mantra – the Divine's direct self-expression which in some mode or other should be found pervasive of all poetry.”[1]
- ↑ Amal Kiran & Nirodbaran, Light and Laughter: Some Talks at Pondicherry, p.43