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(M.P. Pandit:) “Meditation is not an end in itself. Meditation is a means to put yourself in tune with a higher or a deeper consciousness. You withdraw your attention from outside and turn it inwards so that you are for the time being freed from external compulsions and you get an opportunity to experience what goes on about you on a higher or deeper plane. So, meditation is a technique, a very healthy one, to arrive at a state where you are perfectly in tune with the higher consciousness and you no longer need to meditate. There is a state in the life of the seeker, where meditation becomes so natural that he does not need to sit for meditation.”[1]

(Sri Aurobindo, 1932:) “The Mother refuses to relieve you of all work — work is a necessary part of this Yoga. If you do not do work and spend all the time in ‘meditation’, you and your sadhana will lose all hold of realities; you will lose yourself in uncontrolled subjective imaginations such as those you are now allowing to control you and lead you into actions — like your absenting yourself from Pranam, becoming fanciful and irregular in your taking of food, coming to the Mother at a wrong time and place under the imagination that she has called you — actions dictated by error and false suggestion and not by Truth. It is by doing work for the Mother with surrender to her, with obedience to her expressed will, without fancies and vital self-will that you can remain in touch with the embodied Mother here and progress in the Yoga.”[2]

(Mother, 1955:) “We can meditate for five minutes. Let us try collective meditation, shall we? It’s going to be a little difficult. We can try.
         You would like to try on what we have read?
         Do not think, just concentrate like this: let what we have read [Lights on Yoga, “Surrender and Opening”] enter into you, and try to experience it; try.
         Don’t try to think, to turn over ideas, have answers to questions, nothing of all that. Just remain like this (gesture), open.
         It was about opening, right through. You should let what was read enter into you, and then, in this way, do its work inside you. You must remain as silent and quiet as possible.
         We shall see what is going to happen.”[3]

  1. M.P. Pandit, “Pitfalls in Sadhana: Three Sat-sang Talks, February 1987”, p.3
  2. The Mother with Letters on the Mother, p.248
  3. Questions and Answers 1955, p.265

See also