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(Mahalingam:) “While doing translation work, – more than 10,000 pages of works of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have been translated – I just pray to the Mother to give me the capacity to do the translation well. And sometimes I get the right word. I may not have used that word for years and years but suddenly I would get it. Of course the translation work is my sadhana in a way: I can't sit in meditation. For the last fifty years, I have been trying to meditate and I have left it as hopeless. Most of my translations were from the Collected Works of the Mother and I would feel that I was listening to the Mother's voice. When I am doing the translation I feel deeply happy and satisfied.
         When I first joined the Ashram I was sent to an Ashram garden near Ariyankuppam. I was given a house to stay in. Mother even arranged to get a cook from my native village to prepare for me the kind of food I was accustomed to. Once she visited the garden. She came to my house, went to every room; especially She minutely scanned the kitchen. She asked me if I was comfortable there and if everything was alright. I was very much touched. See, I was quite new to the Ashram and I didn't know anything about her ways with her children. My idea about an Avatar at that time was that He/She would be grand, far, and not easily accessible.”[1]

  1. Turning Points: An inner story of the beginnings of Auroville, First Edition, p.31, “How much is he sending to his family?”