Hans Billinger

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In close cooperation with town planners and architects, Hans Billinger in Stuttgart (Germany) has been working for more than three decades as a consultant on all aspects of traffic and mobility. Many cities in Germany have realised concepts based on Billinger’s ideas. His fields of work comprise a large range from conception to realisation, e.g. comprehensive mobility concepts for whole cities, international fairs and airports, concepts for public transportation, noise protection, research etc. His main emphasis is on traffic calming and pollution control.

The Billinger Report on mobility in Auroville (August 2001) has been compiled in collaboration with Helmut Schmid, an Aurovilian architect living in Grace community, during Helmut's visit to Stuttgart. Mr Billinger has not spent time in Auroville itself, but has based his recommendations on his experience and on information shared with him.

For more information contact:

Planungsbüro Billinger, Verkehrsplaner
Azenbergaufgang 2

70192 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone - 0711 - 25730 -31, Fax - 30