Gene Maslow

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(Janet:) “I went to Udar and I said, “Look, I should have a job, can you get me a job in the Ashram?” He said, I'll ask Mother. He came back a couple of days later and said Mother says that you can work at Senteurs, the perfume factory. So it was all set up and I was to start there next week. But before all that happened, Gene Maslow came to me and said, “Would you like to come to Auroville and help me build my house?” I said okay, and I came out in the Land-Rover that was used to come out every day to Auroville to bring water to Forecomers. But the Land-Rover that was supposed to take us back to Pondicherry never came. So I spent my first night in Auroville and then I just continued staying there.”[1]

(Francis:) “So I was walking around in a daze for a couple of days [after having Mother's darshan], and then Gene Maslow came to me and said:
         “Do you know anything about building houses?”
         “No, nothing.”
         “Why don't you come out to Auroville and help me?”
         “What's that?”
         “Auroville, the City of the Future!”
         He... told me the whole thing, taken out from one of the Society's booklets. I said “Okay, sure, why not? What do I have to do?” He said, “You meet me in front of the Sri Aurobindo Society office, and we get in a Land-Rover and we go out, we work all morning and we get back in the Land-Rover either at noon time or in the evening and we come back to Pondicherry.” It sounded good so I agreed. So the next day, we did go. It was just a question of who knew less about building houses, Gene or I. I thought I was going to be the helper, but we were both helpers, and what we needed was a builder.”[2]

  1. Turning Points: An inner story of the beginnings of Auroville, First Edition, p.70, “A blank slate”
  2. Ibid., p.38, “Looking for a good French restaurant”