English language

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(Surendranath Jauhar:) “During the first four or five years of the [Delhi Ashram] School conduct, I had to face furious problems from the Directorate of Education. In that period due to the fanaticism of Hindi, Government of India was bent upon closing down the English medium schools.
         Ours was a newly started school with English medium and the Directorate of Education refused permission and recognition to the school. They had a strong argument that they were committed to close down all the English medium schools, so how could they allow a new school to be opened with English as the medium of instruction.
         I referred the matter to the Mother and the Mother strongly told me that in such circumstances the School can be closed.
         She said that She had no intention of adding another school to the millions of schools in the country, if English medium was not permitted.
         She further made clear that the purpose of starting the school was to acquaint the students with English so that they could follow the teachings of Sri Aurobindo in their life as the entire writings of Sri Aurobindo were in English.
         So I resisted and resisted with the Department of Education and in course of time the fanaticism subsided and ultimately the school was recognised with English as the medium of instruction.”[1]

  1. Surendranath Jauhar, My Mother, p.123

See also