Auroville Archives

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Auroville Archives is an effort to keep a permanent record of the planning and development of the work being done in Auroville. The Archives collects and preserves all types of documents and material (papers, photographs, slides, audio tapes, videos, and other documents in digital form) for record and future research. Included are written records of the conception, planning and developmental growth of Auroville, as well as material relating to its various social and material experiments tried over the years, original research, and other records.

The Archives are a resource for Aurovilians and visitors for study, research and publication purposes. People are warmly invited to send any Auroville-related material they come across in publications or elsewhere, for inclusion in the Archives. Material may be addressed to:

Auroville Archives
Administrative Area
605101 Auroville
Tamil Nadu INDIA

All collected materials are to be digitized for long term preservation and accessibility.

{{#ask:Entity::Auroville Archives |?Year |format=broadtable |link=all |sort=Year |order=descending |headers=show |mainlabel=Articles about Auroville Archives |searchlabel=... further results |class=sortable wikitable smwtable }}


  • Location: Archives building, next to SAIIER, Town Hall complex
  • Phone: 0413-403-6910 (local phones may also need to use +0413)
  • E-mail: avarchives (at)

See also

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