Auroville's aquifers

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Auroville's aquifers
from “Evaluation of Groundwater Resources in the Cuddalore Sandstone Formation of Upper Miocene-Pliocene-Pondicherry Region”, State Groundwater Unit, Department of Agriculture, Pondicherry (1986)

Three aquifers of different depths underlie Auroville. The aquifer closest to the surface is alluvial deposits of recent origin, ranging from 10-55 meters below ground level. This aquifer has been heavily drawn for decades, tapped by thousands of shallow tube-wells for irrigation purposes.

The second aquifer is of Tartiary sandstone of Miopliocene ago. Bore-wells pump from this aquifer. The groundwater in this aquifer flows towards the east or south-east.

The third (deepest) aquifer is Vanur and Ramanathapuram sandstone of Cretaceous age.