Mother's Agenda 1951-1960 (Volume 1) PDF (340 pages) |
Mother's organ music January 1, 1958 |
(Mother, explanation of New Year message 1958:) “Suddenly Nature understood. She understood that this new Consciousness which has just been born does not seek to reject her but wants to embrace her entirely, she understood that this new spirituality does not turn away from life, does not recoil in fear before the formidable amplitude of her movement, but wants on the contrary to integrate all its facets. She understood that the supramental consciousness is here not to diminish but to complete her.
Then from the supreme Reality came this order, “Awake, O Nature, to the joy of collaboration.” And the whole of Nature suddenly rushed forward in a great surge of joy, saying, “I accept, I shall collaborate.” And at the same time, there came a calm, an absolute tranquillity so that the bodily vessel could receive and contain, without breaking, without losing anything, the mighty flood of this Joy of Nature which rushed forward as in a movement of gratitude. She accepted, she saw with all eternity before her that this supramental consciousness was going to fulfil her more perfectly, give a still greater strength to her movement, a greater amplitude, more possibilities to her play.
And suddenly I heard, as if they came from all the corners of the earth, those great notes one sometimes hears in the subtle physical, a little like those of Beethoven’s Concerto in D-major, which come in moments of great progress, as though fifty orchestras had burst forth all in unison, without a single false note, to express the joy of this new communion between Nature and Spirit, the meeting of old friends who come together again after having been separated for so long.”[1]
(Mother to Satprem, June 1958:) “As for the latest experience [on 1 May 1958], I can't say for sure that no one has ever had it, because someone like Ramakrishna, individuals like that, could have had it. But I am not sure, for when I had this experience (not of the divine Presence, which I had already felt in the cells for a long time, but the experience that the Divine ALONE is acting in the body, that He has BECOME the body, yet all the while retaining his character of divine omniscience and omnipotence) well, the whole time it remained actively like that, it was absolutely impossible to have the LEAST disorder in the body, and not only in the body, but IN ALL THE SURROUNDING MATTER. It was as if every object obeyed without even needing to decide to obey: it was automatic. There was a divine harmony in EVERYTHING (it took place in my bathroom upstairs, certainly to demonstrate that it exists in the most trivial things), in everything, constantly. So if that is established in a permanent way, there CAN NO LONGER be illness, it is impossible. There can no longer be accidents, there can no longer be illness, there can no longer be disorders, and everything should harmonize (probably in a progressive way) just as that was harmonized: all the objects in the bathroom were full of a joyful enthusiasm – everything obeyed, everything!
As it was the first experience, it started to fade slightly when I began having contact with people; but I really had the feeling that it was a first experience, new upon earth. For I have experienced an absolute identity of the will with the divine Will ever since 1910, it has never left me. It isn't that, it's SOMETHING ELSE. It is MATTER BECOMING THE DIVINE. And it really came with the feeling that this thing was happening for the first time upon earth. …
- (Satprem:) Is this experience of May 1 related to the Supramental Manifestation of 1956? Is it a supramental experience?
It is the result of the descent of the supramental substance into Matter. Only this substance – what it has put into physical Matter – could have made it possible. It is a new ferment. From the material standpoint, it removes from physical Matter its tamas, the heaviness of its unconsciousness, and from the psychological standpoint, its ignorance and its falsehood. Matter is subtilized. But it has surely come only as a first experience to show how it will be.
It is truly a state of absolute omniscience and omnipotence in the body which changes all the vibrations around it.”[2]
(Janina:) “Today Mother played the harmonium – for half an hour, from 10.30 till 11. She does it every year. The loudspeakers are of good quality and it was wonderful. She played in Her room – what came to her.”[3]
(Janina writing to her friend:) “Being in charge of an institution [the Nursing Home], I at once came in touch with almost all the heads of different departments. Pavitra is the general secretary – for foreign problems mostly – and the director of the University Centre. To me he is also a friend and being far on the path (as I feel) he seems to be one of the main channels for Mother's Power. This is my own impression. I do not talk with people about such things. Amrita is the head of the financial department and organisation of the work of the Ashram and the purchasing of buildings, etc. To him I go for advice in matters of supplies for the Nursing Home, the problems of servants, etc. Nolini Kanta Gupta is the first secretary and handles most of the correspondence of the Ashram and all the material from the life of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. He is the only one left of the collaborators of Sri Aurobindo from the time of His public activities. But he was a young boy at that time. ”[4]
(Mother to Satprem, December 1958:) “My dear child,
I have received your letter of the 24th. ... I am glad that Panditji is doing something for you. I like this man and I was counting upon him. I hope he will succeed. Perhaps his work will be useful here, too – for I have serious reasons to believe that this time occult and even definite magic practices aimed directly against my body have been mixed in with the attacks. This has complicated things somewhat, so as yet I have not resumed any of my usual activities – I am still upstairs ‘resting’, but in reality fighting. Yesterday, the Christmas distribution took place without me, and it is likely that it will be the same for January 1st. The work, too, has been completely interrupted. And I do not yet know how long this will last.”[5]
(Satprem to Mother, 28 December 1958:) “Sweet Mother,
... If you wish, two things can be done to help your action: either Panditji can undertake certain mantric operations upon you here in Rameswaram, or better still, he can immediately come to Pondicherry with Swami and do what is needed in front of you.
...If you agree that he come to see you, he will immediately know the source of these attacks upon you and will even be able to make the attacking force speak. He has this power. Of course, neither Panditji nor Swami will divulge this to anyone, and everything will be kept secret. You have only to send word, or a telegram: “No objection.”
The work can be done from here also, but naturally it will not be quite as effective. In that case, you would have to set a specific time to synchronize the action in Rameswaram and Pondicherry. Swami can also do something in his pujas. It is for you to decide, but I hope you will not want to prolong this battle unnecessarily.”[6]
(Mother to Satprem, 30 December 1958:) “My dear child,
I have just now received your letter of the 28th. On that day I definitely felt that there was a decisive change in the situation and I understood right away that you had spoken to Swami and also that what I had written to you gave you the opportunity to take a great step. I am very happy and can say with certitude that the worst is over. However, from several points of view, I infinitely appreciate Panditji's offer. And although I do not think it necessary, or even desirable, that they both come here (it would create a veritable revolution and perhaps even a panic among the ashramites), I am sure that their intervention in Rameswaram itself would not only be useful but most effective ...”[7]
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- ↑ Questions and Answers 1957-1958, p.247
- ↑ Mother's Agenda 1951-1960, 6 June 1958
- ↑ Janina Stroka, A Captive of Her Love, p.17
- ↑ Janina Stroka, A Captive of Her Love, p.21
- ↑ Mother's Agenda 1951-1960, 24 December 1958
- ↑ Ibid., 28 December 1958
- ↑ Ibid.
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