=1 "Communication equals one"
Communication equals one
As the theme for this year's festival number – which we present to our readers with our best wishes for 1969 – the editors have chosen communication =1.
Communication is realized all the way from subatomic levels where particle calls to particle: “I am”,
to the bridges of stars which one galaxy builds to the next.
From the phosphorescent signals of the sea dwellers to the bird calls on a spring morning,
from the first meeting of a baby's eyes with those of his mother to the last quiver before the encephalogramme goes flat,
from the exchange of hormones in the meeting of ants to the exchange of bliss in the meeting of angels,
everywhere in this universe communication is.
Even through the emptiness of interstellar space the stars communicate. The mystery of communication is one with the mystery of consciousness and the mystery of the universe itself; wherever one is, the others also are.
All being is communion:
being together
and communicating.