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And now some good news!

Some philosophers of modern times say that although our age far surpasses all previous ages in knowledge there has been no correlative increase in wisdom.

This pessimistic judgment of course is not true. Never has our access to wisdom been so easy as today.

100 years ago the heavy curtains of bigotry and superstition were still drawn tightly over our greatest sources of wisdom, the Vedas, the true sayings of Jesus, the ancient fairy stories of the pagan past. And a childish materialism discouraged students from devoting their lives to an exciting discovery: the discovery of the oneness behind the appearances of multiplicity. A busy scientism filled the inquiring minds with empty words instead of an understanding of man and his universe.

But in the meantime wisdom incarnated itself, was born in India, educated in England and went back to his native land to become a yogi, a seer, a rishi and finally one of those powers of transformation which keep mankind evolving.

Luckily for us, before he went into silent consciousness-transforming action, Topic::Sri Aurobindo, whose centenary will be celebrated in 1972, wrote 30 volumes of pure condensed sapience.

Order now the Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library
a monumental set of Sri Aurobindo's complete writings
30 volumes 11" x 7 1/2" clothbound
at the prepublication price of only
$125, India R650 (postpaid)
make cheques payable to Equals One, Pondicherry 2 India