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=1 "Equals One" was a journal created by Medhananda and Yvonne Artaud in the early days of Auroville. See "=1 history".
“Equals One, which has been edited and brought out as a quarterly, is in reality a collection of essays and meditations about the most fundamental questions, problems and paradoxes of the thinking mind. Yet when this mind, through yogic discipline, reaches a state where all the uncertainties recede into a higher reality, then the enigmas and nightmares of the lower reality dissolve, thousands of years of schizophrenic, demonic fears, superstitions, occultism and primitive theology burst into the freedom and hilarity of a happy awakening.
Read =1 and see the world whole again.”
Selected articles:
1965 | Education |
Psychology |
The difference |
The earth |
Festival |
1966 | Immortality |
Evolution |
Animal |
New man |
1967 | Yoga |
Matter |
Machine |
Anticipation |
1968 | City |
Society |
Communication |
Education |
1969 | Consciousness |
Child |
Univercity |
Optimism |
1970 | Spirituality |
Mutation |
Intelligence |
Ecology |
1971 | Be |
Wisdom |
Quexclamation | |
1972 | Tomorrow | |||
1973 | Cosmonaut |
That one | ||
1974 | The Eternity Game |
Child liberation | ||
1975 | Dream | |||
1976 | Aurograms | |||
1977 | Kingdom |
Education (1965-2)
EducationEducation for a greater consciousness The editors ▪▪
The imprisoned splendour Robert Browning ▪
All teaching is a revealing Medhananda ▪▪▪
Nothing can be taught Medhananda ▪
Evocation The Mother ▪
I became an animal The Listener ▪
True teaching Goethe ▪
Let not man put asunder! Medhananda ▪▪▪
Valedictory address of the year 2006 Academy for Cosmonaut Cadets ▪
School plays and tests for teaching programmes of 2065 A group of teachers ▪▪▪
Learning by =1 Space Traveller ▪
Psychology (1965-3)
PsychologyPsychology of the heights The Editors ▪
=1 war P. Daniel ••
Man = many Sri Aurobindo •••
The integrated personality Indra Sen •
That mysterious entity called soul Medhananda ••
Symbols of the soul Yvonne Artaud •
Sinner or god? Benedictus Montecrossa ••••
From amoeba to star Medhananda ••
Anticipation The Editors •
Computer wisdom The Old Computer •
Anticipation news Interplanetary News Service •
Letters to the editor Letters ••
The difference (1965-4)
The differenceOur otherness Sri Aurobindo ▪
In each of us Benedictus Montecrossa ••
The 2 ways of knowledge P. Daniel ••
The way through Dane Rudhyar •
The equals and the unequals Benedictus Montecrossa •
Computer stories The Old Computer ••
The last man Te Ana Vava •
The earth (1965-5)
The earthNo parking on a launching pad The Editors ••
The iceberg The Editors •
Sodom and the Just P. Daniel •
I am glad I am a pagan Te Ana Vava •
Only imagination P. Daniel ••
Propaganda and the Word Benedictus Montecrossa •••
Anno Domini 3000 =1 Special Correspondent ••
Festival (1965-6)
Evolution (1966-2)
EvolutionAll our problems are problems of evolution The Editors ••
Our noble knights The Editors ••
Evolution = aspiration Medhananda •
Silver Sources Millicent Janet Gilder ••••••
Teachers' test The Editors •
The future of evolution: A transintelligence Medhananda ••••
The fulcrum The Editors •
Conversations with a dolphin Imi Noa Mangus •
The first experiment in evolution P. Daniel •
The takeover The Old Computer •
Our evolutionary programme Medhananda ••
The Call of the Impossible Sri Aurobindo •
Animal (1966-3)
AnimalWe in all others The Editors ••
Fur-footed Brahman Sri Aurobindo •
Our homing instinct M.S. •
Parvati and the ant The Puranas •
A great discovery Lama Gompananda •
Mission to Earth Space Traveller ••
The silent answer Space Traveller ••
Zoopsychology Swapnà and Yvonne •••
New man (1966-4)
New manNew man, a child of oneness and the whole The Editors ▪
New man The Editors ▪▪
A new image of man = A new image of God The Editors ▪▪▪▪
Is God? The Editors ▪▪
Towards an organic society without organisation The Editors ▪
The myths that kill Manas Journal ▪
The rhythm of human fulfillment Dane Rudhyar ▪▪▪▪
Leaven Jim Pinney ▪▪▪▪
Vatican III Cardinal Systems Manager Bene Trovato ▪▪
A question of bliss The Editors ▪
What the old computer had to say about happiness The Editors ▪▪
The equation The Editors ▪
Grown-up planets The Editors ▪
Yoga (1967-1)
YogaHow to be really ourselves The Editors •
From the Sufis The Editors •
The Tree of Knowledge L. Vivant •
Why is an apple red? Te Ana Vava ••
Laser of consciousness P. Daniel ••
Yoga for a 10-year-old Medhananda ••
In the star bar Space Traveller •
Secret meeting Alexandre Ousios ••
Of tracts and brochures Girimurti •••