AuroTraductions exists since 2000 and provides translations of the News & Notes into Tamil and French, also for all AV services of different texts, notes, leaflets, books, etc. Most frequent work is translation into French and Tamil of articles and working papers of interest to the whole community, plus meeting reports and documents on Auroville’s internal organization and administration, on relations with the nearby villages, and relating to international organizations.
Auro-Traductions also runs a second unit Auro-Traductions-Languages aimed at providing everyone who receives the weekly News & Notes with a simple method of learning the three above-mentioned languages – plus Sanskrit – at home, without any time constraint.
Auro-Traductions has published 2 books/CDs on languages: Aurolang 1 (Sanskrit-Tamil-English-French) and Aurolang 2 (Hindi-Tamil-English-French).
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See also
- Office: Multimedia Centre, Town Hall
- Email: avtraductions@(at)
- Phone: 262-2840